Spanish Washington palm Trees

750 AED6,000 AED

Washingtonia Palm Trees, commonly known Spanish Washington Palm, is a fast-growing palm from the Arecaceae family. It is admired for its tall, slender trunk and lush, fan-shaped green leaves, making it a popular choice for tropical and urban landscapes.


Washingtonia Palm Trees, commonly known Spanish Washington Palm, is a fast-growing palm from the Arecaceae family. It is admired for its tall, slender trunk and lush, fan-shaped green leaves, making it a popular choice for tropical and urban landscapes.

Key Point :

  • Height: Can grow up to 100 feet tall
  • Growth:  Fast, reaching 3–4 feet per year
  • Foliage: Large, fan-like, deep green leaves
  •  Trunk:  Smooth, and slightly swollen at the base
  •  Climate: Thrives in warm, dry, and coastal environments

Maintenance Tips:

  • Water 2-3 times per week, ensuring deep root hydration.
  • Position in full sun exposure for strong, upright growth.
  • Use well-draining soil to prevent water stagnation and root issues.
  • Trim dried or damaged fronds to maintain a clean, structured look.
  • Protect from cold temperatures with insulation during winter months.
  • Apply seasonal fertilizers to boost lush, green foliage.

Best For :

         Parks & Commercial Landscapes

         Home Gardens & Farms

         Commercial Landscapes & Resorts

         Sustainable & Desert Farming

We also offer trunk height customization options to suit your landscaping needs. With its bold presence, easy maintenance.

Trunk Height

1 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M, 5 M, 6 M, 7 M, 8 M